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Keller, Y., David, Y., & Trachtenberg, E. (Online First).On a new path: Social support, social media engagement, and well-being after religious disaffiliation. New Media and Society.

Gonçalves, I., & David. Y. (Online First). Threats, victims, or heroes? Media frames about migration in the United Kingdom and Brazil. International Communication Gazette.

Panievsky, A., David. Y., Gidron. N., & Sheffer. L. (2025). Imagined Journalists: An Alternative Approach to Studying Audiences Perceptions of the Media. International Journal of Press/Politics, 30(1), 38–62.

Schemer, C., Stanyer, J., Meltzer, C., Gehle, L., Van Aelst, P., Theocharis, Y., Strömbäck, J., Štětka, V., Stępińska, A., Splendore, S., Zoizner, A., Matthes, J., Koc-Michalska, K., Nicolas Hopmann, D., Esser, F., de Vreese, C., David, Y., Corbu, N., Castro, L., Cardenal, A. S., Aalberg, T., van Erkel, P., Terren, L., Halagiera, D. (2024). The relationship between political entertainment media use and political efficacy: A comparative study in 18 countries. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 36(4), 1–14.

Gonçalves, I., de-Lima-Santos, M. F., Fenoll, V., & David, Y. (2024). Evolution of Brazilian Democracy: Unveiling Election Dynamics in Political Issues, Negativity, and Acclaim. Politics and Governance, 12(1), 1–16.

Marciano, A., David, Y., & Antebi-Gruszka, N. (2024). The Interplay of Internalized Homophobia, Compulsive Use of Dating Apps, and Mental Distress Among Sexual Minority Individuals: Two Moderated Mediation Models. Computers in Human Behavior, 156, 108241

Shomron, B., & David, Y. (2024). Protecting the community: How digital media promotes safer behavior during the Covid-19 pandemic in authoritarian communities—a case study of the ultra-Orthodox community in Israel. New Media and Society, 26(3), 1484–1504.

Bar-Tzedek, Y. & David, Y. (2024). Imagined victims, imagined abusers: Inequality in heterosexual and LGBT representations in coverage of sexual abuse in Israel. Media Frames, 24(1), 13–40. [Hebrew]

Marciano, A., David, Y., & Antebi-Gruszka, N. (2023). Facebook use and body dissatisfaction moderate the association between discrimination and suicidality among LGBQ individuals. Computers in Human Behavior, 144, 107729.

David, Y., & Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N. (2023). Racializing Human Rights: Political Orientation, Racial Beliefs, and Media Use as Predictors of Support for Human Rights Violations—A Case Study of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 46(10), 1947–1971.

Hartal, G., Moreno, A., & David, Y. (2023). Marching into the future: Queer temporalities and pride marches in an Israeli city. Kriot Israeliot, 3, 138–173. [Hebrew].

David, Y. (2023). The effects of exposure to gendered stereotypes on emotions and attitudes toward immigrants. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 49(19), 4828–4849.

David, Y. (2022) Gendering political conflict: The racialized and dehumanized use of gender on Facebook. Feminist Media Studies, 22(7), 1583–1601.

David, Y. (2022) Public opinion, media, and activism: The differentiating role of media use and perceptions of public opinion on political behavior. Social Movement Studies, 21(3), 334–354.

Gonçalves, I., & David, Y. (2022). A systematic literature review of the representations of migration in Brazil and the United Kingdom. Comunicar, 71(1), 47–58.

David, Y., & Baden, C. (2020). Reframing community boundaries: The erosive power of new media spaces in authoritarian societies. Information, Communication and Society, 23(1), 110–127.

Kampf, Z., & David, Y. (2019). Too good to be true: The effect of conciliatory message design on compromising attitudes in intractable conflict. Discourse and Society, 30(3), 264–286.

Baden, C., & David, Y. (2018). On resonance: A study of culture-dependent reinterpretations of extremist violence in Israeli media discourse. Media Culture and Society, 40(4), 514–534.

David, Y., Rosler, N., & Maoz, I. (2018). Gender-empathic constructions, empathy and support for compromise in intractable conflict. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 62(8), 1727–1752.

David, Y., Hartal, G., & Pascar, L. (2018). The Right to Jerusalem: The Danger of Queer Safe Spaces. Borderlands E-journal, 17(1), 1-26.

Pascar, L., Hartal, G., & David, Y. (2018). Queering safety? An introduction. Borderlands E-journal, 17(1), 1-11.

David, Y., Shamir, J., & Simpser, A. (2017). When (Facebook) status and (socioeconomic) status took to the street: Communications, political involvement, and the climate of opinion in the summer 2011 protests in Israel. Megamot, 52(1), 359–390. [Hebrew]

Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N., & David, Y. (2016). Is the violence of Tag Mehir a state crime? British Journal of Criminology, 56(5), 835–856.

David, Y., Rosler, N., Ellis, D., & Maoz, I. (2016). Gendering human rights: Threat and gender perceptions as predictors of attitudes towards violating human rights in asymmetric conflict. Peace and Conflict Studies, 23, 1–26.

Shalhoub-Kevorkian, N., David, Y., & Ihmoud, S. (2016). Theologizing state crime. State Crime Journal, 5(1), 139–162.

David, Y., & Maoz, I. (2015). Gender perceptions and support for compromise in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 21(2), 295–298.

Hartal, G., David, Y., & Pascar, L. (2014). Safe space. Mafte’akh: Lexical Review of Political Thought, 8(1), 93–120 [Hebrew].
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